night shift 9-16

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  • #59023

    My weekend has been very nice. My sister-in-law from Philadelphia came out for a few days visiting us. She left at 5:30a.m. to go back home. I had a meeting with some friends about a project we are working on. Came home to find hubby back from golf and a nice fire in the fireplace. How have you been?


    You’ll do, Lynn (lol)!!!! Yes, some time ago a bunch of us were talking about having a “reunion” of sorts, possibly in Memphis. Memphis is kinda in the middle of the Eastern states, though it is quite a distance for some, like way “out east” like New York. Maybe we could try some regional get-togethers, say just a couple hundred miles or so from a certain city. Then sometime have a big reunion at a place of our choosing. It sure would be fun.


    The “interweb” has eaten my very first comment tonight so I’m going to send it again. Sorry if this ends up being a duplicate post.

    Hi, Lynn. I’m so glad that Kay posted a comment tonight. Tell her hello and welcome to TDK from me!

    M&MM, I noticed that the two football teams and the golfer you were rooting for today all have feline names. Do you think that means anything? 🙂

    CW: I’m glad you got the sleep you needed today. Leave the dustbunnies until tomorrow.

    3 kits staff dorie

    KM and Lynn!

    I’m fine Tired from sleeping in a tent all weekend (can’t wait to sleep in my own bed) Had a great weekend and got to see my possible new kitten this evening! He’s/she’s an tan/orange tiger, one of the litter has long hair


    Oops, maybe it was Nashville, my bad.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Hey, Dorie! KW, I showed up for supper, but you didn’t open the door! Had my own plate, utensils and my properly placed napkin in my shirt. Hope hubbys dinner was fine and you enjoyed. I walked away and whimpered. My kittys comforted me though!! Glad the sister in law came out and you had a nice visit. Where are you? Can’t keep track. Glad hubby lit a fire for you and must be a good night coming up, huh!!! Enjoy! We are fine! Hugs and purrs.


    If you are interested, Dorie, you can change your screen name by following the directions Rubia posted a few days ago. If you search for the “tag” user name or nickname, it will take you to that conversation thread. That way you can go back to Dorie Staff to Chucky if you want to.

    3 kits staff dorie

    Hey Lynn i’m eating a chicken cutlet parm. hero Right now, I’ll gladly share!


    Ooooh Dorie, you’re getting a new kitty? Lucky you! I wish I could have more, but I’m pushing having two in my apartment. Of course, how much room could a little kitten take up, it wouldn’t be THAT much trouble would it?

    Of course, I’d have to ask the resient felines.

    Yes, Kitten Whisperer, I didn’t think of the fact that all of my teams are felines. And Mr. Woods, too, of course.


    The dinner was magnificent. We decided to drive to a little town nearby after dinner to eat some of the finest ice cream in our region. I brought you a dish of strawberry creamcheese ice cream. I hope you like it!

    Knock louder on the door next time you want dinner and I’ll let you in. Be sure to bring Kay!

    3 kits staff dorie

    Thank’s Km I’ll check into it tomorrow to drained to do it tonight!!


    Dorie, just replied to your last e-mail.


    3 kits staff dorie


    I’m not 100% sure if i’m gonna get him/her i’m thinking about it! It will have to be a robust kitten to deal with Chucky!!


    Tell us about your camping trip, Dorie.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    KW, Kay thanks you for the kind welcome. Glad the sister in laws visit was good. Hope you are enjoying the fireplace. Showed up at your door with utensils in hand, plate and properly placed napkin in shirt, but no eats! Hope you enjoyed!

    Dorie, what are you doing in a tent? Lost your post, think you have a new kitten coming? Best of luck with your new baby. Hugs and purrs.


    Welcome Kay…Glad you posted. Lynn has said nothing but wonderful things about you. I’m so glad you have each other. I think many would agree here that I feel like I already know you. Hope you continue to post. 🙂


    Hi Susie – did you get my e-mail from this afternoon?


    Lynn, you and Kay are welcome to have dinner at my house any time, but be sure you knock loudly on the front door!


    *neen waves a big hello to Kay*

    Welcome to the madness chickie

    In the midst of baking Peanut Butter cookies at the mo….gotta spoil my guys at work.

    Everyone give an extra scritch to their furbabies for catless me!

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    thanks, KW, for the ice cream, next time will bring Kay and a bulldozer! Dorie, sorry you are so tired, talk later. Hope the kitty works out.

    Susie, Kay not here, she is sleeping now. But I can honestly say, she thanks you for the kind word.

    I didn’t tell Kay til today, what I wrote on Friday. Had her look over the posts. Her first comment, we talk alot! She is not used to this sort of thing. She is older and computers are at best, a foreign object. Only good for email, sometimes, and games to relax her. She did see what I have told her as I have talked about this site and people for at least 1 and 1/2 years. She was so touched by the kindness you showed us. For once, my big mouth, didn’t make her so much uncomfortable, but maybe more curious that there are people out there who share interests, and connect, just as her sister in law did. Will try to keep her in the loop. Hugs and Purrs.

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