Kitty earworm

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    Anybody remember the song from the 70s called “Brother Louie”? Before coming to work this AM, I swung by the municipal pound to meet three cats on whom I’d been keeping an eye on the pound’s website. One had already been taken by a rescue organization, and the other two were a stray momcat and an orangie. I visited with both of them. Anyway, the orangie’s name is Louie, and ever since I left the pound that song’s been going through my mind–Louie, possibly Penny’s brother? The attendant at the pound told me that Louie is used to being indoors whereas the momcat was used to being outside and would have to adjust to being inside.

    The Humane Society is going to the pound this afternoon to pick up a lot of cats. (I’ve already started seeing former pound cats on the HS website.) If they take Louie, I could adopt him from HS; however, once HS has them, they’re safe. While they’re in the pound, there’s always the possibility that they will be put down, so it may be better to choose another pound cat—-then maybe get Louie a little while later, if no one else does?

    Penny is doing much better. The hair on her legs has grown back, and her abdominal hair is starting to come in, too. She no longer looks like she has a cow’s udder. I asked the vet for a new script for Prozac. He gave her 40 doses (20 tablets). By the time that’s gone, she should be recovered. I think Pen is ready for a new companion.

    “Louie, Louie, Louie, Lou-eeee, Louie, Louie, Louie, Lou-iiii….”


    Leeny, I most certainly do recall that song from back in the day and have it in my collection! And now as earworm, but a good one! Would be nice if you could adopt Brother Louie!


    Can’t say I know the song but I’m so happy Penny is doing well 🙂

    Louise sounds like a lovely fella 🙂


    Here’s Brother Louie, at least for the moment, if the HS didn’t take him to their shelter:

    And here’s the song:


    Hi Leeny – I’m so happy Penny is doing better and yes, I remember that song! (I think I had the 45!) Louie sound like he is possibly meant to be Penny’s brother, or perhaps a pound kitty who can be a new companion for Penny.
    *got the earworm now, but it’s all good – always liked that song!*

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