Interesting Behavior from the brave Sir Nigel…

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    I have an interesting question for everyone. If anyone has followed my little Nigel, since his adoption last March (going on 1 year with us… HOORAY!) he has had 3 separate surgeries for his stomatitis that have left him with a total of 2 teeth remaining- his bottom canines. He’s still the same lovable guy- loves to play with his brothers and loves to nestle into my lap for some good head scratches and head butts. There’s just one problem. After his last surgery he’s started getting aggressive with Sammy in a way that looks more like mating than anything else. I actually have this on video. He stands on top of Sammy, kneading with all four paws, and bites the scruff of his neck. He meows and carries on as if he’s angry. He only does this to Sammy- probably because he’s too lazy to really do anything about it. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this behavior has all the sudden developed and, better yet, what on earth he might be doing? I know some dogs will still “do the leg thing,” but I’ve never heard of a cat acting out in this way after being altered. As I said, I do have this on video and have CONSIDERED putting it on Catster, but I don’t want to offend… If anyone’s interested in seeing it so you can put in your two cents, let me know. Thanks a bunch!


    Did Nigel have both testes removed in his neutering? If he had an undescended testicle he is still fully male even if sterile.


    And, as weird as it sounds, some cats have more than two testes just like some humans. Maybe his vet could shed some light on the behaviour; it doesn’t sound too fun for poor Sammy.


    I have had, and have now many altered males who still exhibit the breeding behaviors. I’m not sure why they do this, and some only do it to certain other cats. When they are neutered late in life, the chances of their behavior remaining like a whole male is increased.

    Maybe someone else can shed more light on this particular subject.


    You’re kidding Cheetah, right?? More than two testes?? Wow..I’ve never heard of such a thing…Should I check and make sure the vet didn’t leave any surprises behind (get it..behind) my two boys?


    I was quite surprised when my first male cat did “that”, but my vet said it was not unusual. I’ve since had 2 other males (one still not full grown) who try to partake in pleasures they’re no longer supposed to be interested in.


    Wow! I can’t believe I’ve been a cat mom for so long without ever seeing this, because it sounds kind of common. Thanks for the advice. I probably will run it by the vet. I guess what puzzled me the most is it occurred after his final surgery. Granted, his mouth probably hurt too much to do the biting when he had his teeth. Now he just goes at it full throttle! *ahem…* sorry, hehe. But, thanks a bunch for the advice. And Cheetah, you’re right… it’s really no fun for poor Sammy.

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