How Weird you Cat/Kitten may be….

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    My cat is so funny! he will sprawl out on his back at nght on my bed, so i am squshed at the top! *giggles* He is too precious


    What does you cats do?!

    KYKAT 12 23

    Gracie steals my knee-highs and wants to play fetch with them


    Misty is still kitten size. She loves to run around with a sponge ball toy in her mouth. What’s funny, is the ball is as big as her face. Too cute.

    Jo in Blairsville

    TeeTat is six years old, but she’s very small, playful and feisty. She zooms all over the cottage getting her exercise each day, and when she gets to a wall, she doesn’t stop. She runs right up the wall and then bounces back to the floor. That’s entertainment!


    Huddy runs along the back of the couch at full speed, Maverick runs in front of the couch at full speed. As soon as Maverick gets to the end of the couch Hudson jumps on to his back and they tumble around like rolling dice. Then they both take off at full speed, but always in different directions.


    I think I mentioned Mr. Kadie cat steals my jewerly, he likes this pearl braclet, I don’t know why, he will get it and take it to my bad and try and chew the pearls. He also will get on the counter and knock down the jewlery boxes.


    Spice WILL NOT BE IGNORED if I am on the computer. She will “bump” my hand harder and more frequent until she gets my attention. Then she will sit there and purr and give me her “kitten look” even though she’s 10 years old. Spice is a perpetual kitten…


    Kiwee carries around a long, pink feather boa.


    So many funny cats in this house, it would take a book to tell you about their antics. I’ll choose Munchie my 4 year old rescued tuxie. He is one of the biggest clowns, my friendly greeter of all who enter here. When Munchie decides he wants attention he will stop at nothing to get my attention. If I’m in bed he starts by going to the lamp and pawing at the shade, then he starts knocking things off the bedside table, he then heads to the window shade and paws it until it goes up with a loud bang.

    If I’m on the computer he first gives me these tiny little mews. If I don’t stop he next heads to a small picture hanging over a low bookcase and taps it so it bangs against the wall and gives those little mews while staring at me with his big amber owl eyes. The third and last effort takes him to my open hutch, where no cat is allowed, and sits on the first shelf pretending like he is going to jump to the upper shelves where I keep my antique keepsakes. Again that pathetic mew and the famous Munchie stare. I usually get the hint and stop to play.


    Tiger will knock the frame that holds my dad’s flag from when he retired from the Air Force just a bit out of center. Then he will try to climb on it to straighten it. Silly boy cat!


    Buster likes to lay belly up and give happy cat looks until you touch him and then it is all out war. He also attacks anyone he does not want in the house.

    Harry is my clown, right now he likes to run at the bathmat and slide accross the bathroom on it. He also likes to lay on my chest so I can’t see the computer. He also likes to wake me by laying with his face in mine and purring loudly. There is so much more, but I will leave it with that for now 🙂


    When Baby Sally Semi-Meezer is in her paper grocery bag, approach at your own risk! She once gouged Hubby’s wrists so badly when he went to pick up the bag that people will think the scars are from a suicide attempt. No one will believe that it came from a sweet, fuzzy, gray kitty.


    Okay, this is weird but I like to make wigs for sock puppets and all, and one was laying on my nightstand..and so my cat Seamus thought it would be fun to take a wig – or three!!

    Even though I want my wigs, I love the cat to death! 🙂


    Sissy likes to sit in the dining room chair with me, but behind me. If I don’t turn just a little and pet her, soon I feel the tiniest tips of her claws patting me on the back, then a pitiful little mew, asking for attention.


    Our Mama Meezer (m.i.a. almost 1 mo now) *sniff* often came to the kitchen at the usual meal time hour to announce her feral children will now be the object of our attention. However at times we’d be otherwise distracted when suddenly (our well mannered meezer) Mama would leap to the kitchen chair (allowed) then she’d croutch as though she was just about to leap upon the kitchen table (not allowed) then she’d turn to see if we were watching her. She’d look at the table, look over at us, croutch a little lower until one of us said, “chow time” then she’d just jump down and sit nicely with smug written all over her face.

    KapitiKats in NZ

    My 3 year old meezer, Dara, loves to get into the pantry, knock the herbal teabags off the shelf and rip them apart on the kitchen floor.


    If Wolfie sees me headed for the stairs, he sprints past me and then head-butts me thru the rails as my head appears at the top, purring madly.

    If I am near the sink, I have to let the faucet drip so he can drink. He meows and bumps my arm while looking pointedly at the faucet.

    If I say his name, his tail twitches! I’ll say, “Where’s my Wolf?” dragging out the “f” a little, and he looks at me adoringly and twitches the tail.


    KapitiKats..I wonder if the herbs are similar to catnip herbs..??? How funny! or Frustrating if you’re wanting a cup of herbal tea… Catwoman..Ha! Ha! Great visuals on that one! I wonder how many cats have knocked themselves silly on the old Head-Butt maneuver for attention.?


    lol, sometimes cats are just weird, *makes funny face*


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