HELP I think my kitten can't breath well

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum Cats & Kittens HELP I think my kitten can't breath well

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    my cat delivered six kittens last week (so sad but one didn’t make it). some (read: all) of my cats has cold now. it just went from one then he passed it to the other four. including the mum cat. so as the mum cat has cold, her kittens started having colds too. we took them to the vet this saturday and gave us medication. we just gave him medications 4 hours ago then one of the kittens started mewing a lot, continuously and i don’t know what to do! he’s not interested in milk and we forced him to drink water. he’s been mewing now. we put him in a closed pet bag and let him inhale a steam from hot water. we separated him from his siblings, he’s by my side, we put hot water bottle beside him and played a purring sound on my phone also beside him. please help me what should i do im so worried!he’s been mewing alot and he have stuffy nose and we hear sounds from him like difficulty in breathing.


    Hi Elijah,

    Concats on being a new kitten purr parent. Cats don’t catch “cold.” The get an Upper Respitory Infection (URI). Try putting him back with mum and sibs. Since he doesn’t feel good, he may want they companionship. Keep an eye on him to see if his breathing improves. BTW, kittens don’t take your humidifying him. That may cause more problems then it helps.

    Also and this is sad but there is something similar to SIDS in babies and it’s called Fading Kitten Syndrome (FKS). Here’s some information and any questions should be to your vet.

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