help-how can I get my name and state and b-day like everybody else?

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum General Chat help-how can I get my name and state and b-day like everybody else?

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  • #11598

    KITTENMASTER:Please help me to get my first name ,state,and b-day in pink instead of my e-mail name,like aristabobbi,instinct ,and merd.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    dixiebell, go to view your profile, click on edit your profile, then on the left hand side where it will show your current ‘dixiebell552003’ type in what you want it show and hit profile update on the bottom right-hand side, then back to edit your profile and down-arrow to the one you want to show and profile update again, then back to view site…should do it for you…

    Wish I could help with the kitties but being in very southern arizona and not being able to get to oregon, will have to keep the thread open for those in that area and see if they can help. Bless you tonight, and sleep well.

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