Chubby Tubby

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    My presidential candidate is rubenesque. Cato’s weight was at almost 13lbs six months ago. I got him down to 12lbs three months ago. I have tried to keep him active (he sleeps most of the day, so this is tough). Now I am working on snacks. At about 2pm he wakes up and demands dinner. I put him off as much as I can, but this is about the time I eat lunch. He’s a cheese nut, so I usually give him a slice of cheese to keep him quiet. If I push him out the door, he clings to the screen and screams. If I ignore him, he climbs on my chair with his claws to remind me he is hungry. I finally relent and give him part of his dinner at 3pm and then shove him out the door.

    Recommendations for healthier snacks than cheese? Any behavior modification recommendations? He is a pill about food. If he is aggravated enough he will grab what is ever on the counter or even eat out of my salad bowl. At one point in his life he grabbed a pork chop out of my hand and ran. This poor behavior drives me nuts, he knows better.

    Help, I do not want a 15 pound cat! Elizabeth


    Have you tried giving him Greenies? They are a bite sized treat that helps with their teeth. They are available in most pet stores.


    Sorry,had to LOL at vision of Cato running away w/ pork chop. Have you tried greenies cat treats,they’re tiny and every cat I’ve ever given them to loves them. You could parcel them out in small amounts. Are you giving him a premium food? I found that with my dog if I wasn’t giving him a high quality dog food he would eat the same amount but be much more hungry.

    One of my kitties(my Abby) is a porker and I give her quality food and she runs up and down the stairs but she’s still heavy so I dunno.


    I have some of those. He eats them and demands more. ARe they lo-cal? Elizabeth


    KW great minds…….


    LOL, BC!

    I don’t know it they are lo-cal, but they are small. I think the package says to limit them to 10 or 12 of them twice a day as treats.


    Cato, my Bombalurina was overweight from early on in her life until we lost her. And I knew it was my fault because I gave her tidbits from the table. She would beg and when she was tiny we figured that it didn’t matter, only we kept giving them, she kept on eating…… at one point she was around 18lbs.

    We had her on diet food but it never worked. It will be hard, but I think you should cut out the cheese! Maybe he would accept a Pounce catnip treat as a small snack? My girls love them.

    And, I would recommend getting him a Cat Dancer toy – he needs a little kitty aerobic exercise!


    I had a cat who loved lettuce and shredded carrots – and my vet said “if he likes them, go ahead and let him eat them, it can’t hurt; and it’s low cal.” Why don’t you try giving him some lettuce and carrots (a small salad w/o dressing, if you will) around 2 PM and see if it will hold him over til dinnertime… I too, LOL at the vision of Cato hauling a** with a pork chop in his mouth, not a very “Presidential” picture 😉


    Some good ideas here. He does very well with tin balls, his favorite. He bats them around until I get the hint and then I throw them around.

    Cato is getting ZD, which is a hypoallergic cat food supplied by my vet. He get’s both the wet and dry. I am pretty sure this is very high quality.

    He comes in early in the morning and slides on the carpet and bats around all his balls and tears up the catnip box (this happens while I am sleeping). He has torn holes in the top. My table looks like I have pot scattered all over it. He is a catnip addict, if that is possible.

    I opened a can of unsalted refried beans several years ago and he love them. Maybe I will try this again. I couldn’t stand them. Elizabeth


    Try Purs n’Puffs from Foster and Smith (link at bottom of post). They are on sale right now.

    My neighbour has a tubby kitty who loves cheese and the vet suggested that instead of giving him a chunk, she should grate a little bit. It takes them longer to eat the small pieces so they think they are getting more.

    Does Cato eat wet food? If so, try mixing it with warm water. The water will fill him up without giving him any more food. And the extra water will help keep his kidneys healthier.


    My kitties LUV the little greenies! With four of them they don’t last long at my house. One of my four kits are on the slightly large side but he’s really lazy and has little interest in walking anywhere but to the food dish. When he isn’t satisfied he does one of those tall reaching stretchs up your body and once he’s fully extended he does a little slow motion stretch of his toes and nails..just enough to get your attention…This means “The Food Dish Needs Filling”. He’s young but if I don’t watch him he’s gonna be a butterball.


    Greenies are good. And so are Whiska’s Temptation treats (they’re alittle cheaper than greenies as well). I haven’t found a cat yet that doesn’t LOVE the Dairy flavored ones. I hand out a whole lot of treats to them in between their regular meals & I’ve yet to have them end up overweight. Altho little Spunky IS a little rolly polly (13 lbs. at 11 mos. old). lol

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Ok I needed the picture of Cato hauling a** with his stolen pork chop, does he not know this will all come out in the campaign??? If he liked the Greenies that would be a good way to go, mine really don’t like them at all…now they do like the Whiska’s Temptation treats. The grating of the cheese does give the illusion of more food when its not, I do that with Ms. B (rolly polly herself) and my problem with her is she finishes ‘everyone’s’ food whether they are done or not. Good luck on the cutting back on his food, Ms. B thinks I am going to starve her to death!


    What I was thinking is he could work the pork chop skit into a campaigne slogan. “A Pork Chop on Every Plate” or “I’ll Chop your Taxes in Half”.

    It sounded better in my head. lol


    Well, you need the complete picture. He was about three months old at the time and the pork chop was bigger than his body 🙂 I had to wrestle him for it AND BOY was he mad!

    I am afraid National Inquirer would feature a big headline on this. Presidential Candidate Steals Pork Chop from Campaign Manager in a Duel to the Death! 🙂



    Don’t you wish you had a camera ready to capture that moment, Elizabeth? What a funny boy he was as a kitten! I can see why you have a hard time trying to get between him and his food! 😀


    Vis a vis the campaign, Elizabeth, think SPIN, SPIN, spin… how can you spin the pork chop incident to keep Cato looking like the perfect Presidential candidate?


    That’s right Elizabeth…the Cato Pork Chop Caper has been brought out into the open…better put a spin on it quick before the damage is irreparable! Tee Hee!


    “Cato snatches the pork out of the budget”

    “Economy on the rebound!”


    Kitten Whisperer, I think you’ve got it! Want a guest spot on Cato’s blog? Elizabeth

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