blood in poop!

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  • #853618

    Hi everyone! I have a baby kitten that i think has a cold so i took him to the vet and they gave him antibiotics and took his temperature. my question is, have any of you experienced blood in your kittens poop after having their temperature taken since the thermometer goes into their rectum? my kitten is one 3 weeks old. or would it be due to his illness?


    Nataly they don’t insert the thermometer into the rectum very far, just enough to get a reading. If there is blood in the poop, there is probably another reason for it. I think your kitten may be a little young for a dewormer yet, but lots of times kittens have worms and other parasites such as coccidia. These are two separate things that have to be treated with different meds, but when you take your kitten back to the vet hopefully they treat for worms. If I were you, I would call them and tell them there is blood in the stool and if it is anything to worry about. Then when you return they can do a fecal sample and see what is actually causing it.

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