Back to the Vet 2

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    It is probably some oportunistic bug that bit because of stress.

    Lucy Belle has had a severe reaction to a food, coped with your illness, coped with the invasion of Sr. Jerko, had major abdominal surgery, and your stress over all of the above. It has been a long hall. Her immune system was probably a little down.

    Encourage lots of fluids, maybe very-lightly salt some moist treats so she drinks even more to help flush the bug-uglies while the Vet is checking out what will kill them quickly.

    As long as she is wearing the collar, help her with her toilet cleansing and try to relax.

    The tub-toilet was her way of saying “Help me, Mom.” And you responded promptly.

    Your girl is strong. She will be all right.

    Sending Good Vibrations.


    Poor Lucy Belle. When it rains,it pours. Hang in there Tuttibella. I’m sure she’ll get thru this fine. You’ve done a great job of reacting quickly when Lucy Belle didn’t seem herself. You have a great connection with your baby & that’s a good thing.


    Thanks for the update, Tuttibella. You are a wonderful kitty mom! She is a very lucky girl to be receiving such care. She knows you are taking excellent care of her. I will keep you both in my prayers and send more healing TDK white light her way!


    So good to heat that you are taking such good care of her. She was so smart to use the tub instead of the litter box, otherswisw you would have never seen the blood.

    I hate to say this but I am a bit surprised that they would not start some empiric antibiotic while they get the final results…but as long as she’s OK, I suppose she can wait. Is there anyone out there with other experience? Mine is that with blood in the urine , yes they check a culture, but antibiotics are sarted as they often take effect within 24 hours. I don’t mean to bother you Tuttibella, I also know that she will be fine, but please check with the vet about meds if she worsens in any way. Sorry to be a pain, just worried.

    Prayers and hugs for you and Lucy Belle.


    Well, I used to be a Med Tech and this is my take.

    It is getting to a point that there are too many resistant bugs out there. It is better to hit them with a targeted antibiotic than to make them tougher with one that feeds them.

    Her microscopic was probably not very pyritic (lots of white cells) indicating a milder infection so it is not as critical to start as it would be if she were retentive (risking a bladder rupture) and massively infected.


    Tigerlilly, thanks for your concern. As ailuromaniac mentioned above, the doc prefers to treat her infection with the right med. She would prefer not to start on an antibiotic right away without knowing the exact cause of the infection. She did give me a choice however if I would want to do it regardless and I opted to wait.

    I would love some opinion here. Lucy Belle seems to still want to pee in the tub. She’s been going in and out the bathroom a few times now and when I approach her, she will run away to use her litterbox. So, should I just allow her to use the tub for now or should I discourage it? I realize that she have difficulties urinating and going more often. Her condition seems to have become more alarming now.


    Thanks ailuromaniac, that makes me feel better. Just being a worrier…

    Tuttibella, don’t know what to tell you about the tub; is it the infection or is it the head piece that makes her go in the tub? Hard to tell I suppose. Maybe ailuromaniac can better speak on this.

    I hope you both are able to get a good nights rest, you both deserve it.


    Ask your vet if you can give her some cystex or Azopyridium. It is analgesic and bacteriostatic but I don’t know about its toxicity for cats so I cannot say do it. Perhaps they can reccommend an alternative. As for the litterbox, you might try cleaning it out and not adding litter. Put litter in a smaller cardboard box for her to use for bowel movements.

    Like all bladder infections, the longer they last the more uncomfortable it is to relieve yourself and Lucy is hurting more over time.


    Ok. after research the pyridium or Cystex is out…. I cannot find a substitute but the salty diet to encourage drinking is a plan. Also something to acidify the urine. There are dietary foods sold for this. You also want to lower the Ash content of her food.

    As long as she is going and not retaining urine she should improve. If she wants to use the tub at least you can judge the volume she is passing. I’d still try the thoroughly clean and disinfected empty pan with the disposable side box for the bowel movements to encourage her to maintain good toilet habits. It would be a royal pain but you could put the pan inside the tub for her as well.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    ailuromaniac, you are a wealth of knowledge, I always learn something when I read your comments.


    Tuttibella, you are doing everything an excellent kittymom should be doing.. I certainly hope Lucy Belle gets better soon… do you really have to wait ’til Thursday for the results? That seems like a long time for a urinalysis, even if they have to culture the “bug”…. Prayers, healing white light, and tiny little kitty kisses for Lucy Belle, and {{{hugs}}} for you!!!


    Is she maybe using the tub because it’s hard for her to clean herself with the collar? I know my boys come out of the litterbox with litter everywhere that they then have to clean off.


    I’m also worried about poor little Lucy Belle having to wait for her antibiotic. I have *personally* endured a UTI myself. It hurts to pee! Let her go in the tub if it makes her feel better. I don’t understand why the vet didn’t give her an antibiotic right away to cut this off at the pass. From what I understand, it gets worse and not better on it’s own and to wait until Thursday seems to be a long time. I have no medical background so perhaps I am wrong, but my vet told me that if I had waited another day or two to bring Wolfie in and start antibiotics his urine would have started to have crystals and we would have had a much more serious situation.


    Waiting for updates… Get well, Lucy Belle! XOX


    Hugs and Kisses for Lucy Belle. Hope she’s better soon.


    Hugs, purrs, and healing white light that Lucy Belle gets better soon.


    Lucy Belle..we are all praying for you…and your mommy


    Many hugs, good thoughts and prayers are with you Tuttibella and Lucy Belle!


    Thanks for the kind words AZDEBRA.

    I seem to get a rep as a “know it all” but really all I am is nosy. Something catches my eye and I start rooting around for more information. Often it leads to something else and that leads to yet another thing.

    Since I have never been able to settle on one thing (College majors in Classical Music, Medical Laboratory Technology, and Computer Science)I am often asked what I want to be when I grow up.

    I have taken my mantra from a Robert Heinlein quote.

    “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” And I am certain that that is the short list.


    Thinking constantly about Lucy Belle, and checking in often for updates.

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