Aggressive Orphaned Kitten

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    I’ve got 5 orphaned 5 week old kittens. They bite on each other, scratch, and play, but I have one kitten who is a lot rougher than the others. He bites hard and latches on while the other kitties scream. He as sweet as he can be to me. I’m not sure what I can do. I don’t want him hurting the others. I know you’re not supposed to spank cats, and spraying him with water seems silly because they like baths. Haha. Any suggestions?


    Honesty at that age spraying with water might cause more harm that good you don’t want them having any negative associations with water kittens under 10-15 weeks learn most of their social skills..

    There will nearly always be a runt of litter and like wise there will always be a dominant kitten or Alpha kitten. It would be very unusual if he actually did any lasting harm but in his case neutering Him as soon as you can (5 months) is a good idea cause he sounds like he has a strong character so you don’t want him spray marking, fighting, being aggressive or territorial at home..

    I wouldn’t worry too much just separate if you see it getting out of hand .. But please remember to spay and neuter All the kittens ASAP..

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