9/11 Cafe – We will never forget

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    Nine years since that terrible day when perfect cloudless blue skies turned black. Many people in this area knew someone or knew of someone lost in the attack on America. I knew a few. My brother knew many at the Pentagon. Father Mychal Judge, the first reported casualty, was from West Milford. Jeremy Glick, “let’s roll”, flight 93, was also from West Milford. There is a beautiful hiking trail named for him.

    The cafe is decorated in red, white and blue. Flags and flowers adorn every table and there are several boxes of tissues and the agency kittehs brought in additional forces of cuddly kittens.

    The buffet is beautiful! There are pastries, bagels, and muffins of all kinds. The skillets are hot and ready for your waffle, pancake, and egg orders. Hot and cold fountains are running with your favorite drink.

    Kittehs from all over the world are here to take your order and/or to cuddle with you. Welcome!

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Morning Joan, nice way to start the day.

    Lot of memories today, this is the first anniversary of my Mom’s passing….sigh.




    Good morning! Hugs and <3 to everyone

    Dantes mom

    Kittens from all around Canada, are bringing more tissues, and carrying Roses with them. (From what I’ve read – roses are the national flower of America.)

    They are offering hugs, and support to our “Sister Country” on this sad, sad day!

    AZDEBRA – I’m sorry for your loss. Big Hugs!


    I just looked out my window and the pine trees and the wispy clouds reminded me of the pine trees and high wispy clouds where I stood after I found out about what happend.


    Morning all


    I know how you are feeling. I have been there. Still there some days 🙁

    It’s a beautiful day to remember, many were lost that day. Of many colors, faiths, nationalities. But they were all human, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, friends.

    Let this day serve as a reminder that we need understanding, peace and love in this world. Most people are just trying to live their life, raise a family, be a good human. It’s the select few that are tearing this world apart. I pray that we can all come together one day, in my lifetime. I want my girls to know a peaceful one.



    What a horrific day today. Funny that it’s “National Emergency Services Providers” day too. Let us also remember all those lost since that day-> soldiers protecting our freedom, those with mystery illnesses from the rubble and those who have died of broken hearts. May I have some tissues please?


    *Sends tissues to MC*


    Thanks, Chey. It makes me sad to think about it. So many people lost so much. Its not just 9/11 but all that has happened since then. It is a different world.


    Perhaps we should give thanks that they “only” killed 3000 people…as Tony Blair said in a recent interview, if they could have killed more, they would. I know it’s an incredibly naive point of view, but why can’t we just all get along? Extremism in any form is a deadly enemy.


    I’ve just observed moments of silence at 8:46 and 9:03. Please pass the tissues. The names are being read at Ground Zero.


    *passes more tissues around*


    Morning everyone!……. I was watching the morning new when 9/11 happened, I rememeber being glued to the TV, horrified as things unfolded!….. it was almost surreal!


    I was at work, had the radio on and the announcer came on in the middle of a song. They NEVER do that and I knew something awful had happened. I thought it as a little plane, perhaps a Cessna, I called my mom and she was crying and said no, it was a jet, and then a scream and she said another one.

    I live and work very near BWI. The skies were so eerie later that day and the days after. All we heard were the surveillance jets (I’m not far from DC, either).

    :::::grabs a box of tissues and a kitten to smuggle in into the office as I head to work for a few hours::::


    have a good day at w**k Laniey!…..

    ….. I’m relaxing and being lazy this morning, thankfully, since I passed my state exam yesterday, I don’t HAVE to do a thing! (unless I want to!)…..

    …. Mr. AV and I are taking MIL out to lunch today, it’s her birthday (she had the date long before the ‘incident’)…..


    I remember precisely–my husband and I are very thankful for the men that made sure a third strike did not occur as planned that day. I sat with my neighbor–lost her father, brother, and brother-in-law that day in the second tower. One of my best friends called that night–a mortician that went the next day from his home state to New York, his services were needed. The United States is certainly not the only country to face a terrorist attack–they have happened around the world. My heart goes out to family and friends that are left without the ones that they love this day.



    My heart goes out not only to families who lost loved ones that fateful day, but also to families who have lost loved ones because of it.


    Morning all— I also remember exactly where I was 9 years ago–I was on Jury Duty–we had to be at the Courthouse at 8am, so we only heard a little dis-jointed info before we went into the Court Room at 9. One of the ladies on the Jury with us was a FLight Attendant–she was supposed to be on the plane that went down in PA. I was still living in Virginia then–we heard nothing of the details until we broke for lunch at about 2pm, and the case kept going till 8:30 that night so they could get it over with. So didn’t see any pictures or hear the magnitude of it till after that. Having been born in DC and raised in that area (MD and VA), it was just devastating, as it was for everyone.

    I still cry everytime I see the photo’s—please pass more tissues.


    I was at work. Internet and cell phones were down. Someone (who I hope police caught) called a bomb threat to the school district and we spent much of the day outside. Many parents came and picked up their children. By miracle, none of our children lost parents, though many work in lower Manhattan. I didn’t see tv images until I got home after that long day, though the breeze carried dust that settled on the grounds and cars. I work about 25 miles from Ground Zero.

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