5 week old rescue kitty, help with biting and behavior or tips please!

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum Cats & Kittens 5 week old rescue kitty, help with biting and behavior or tips please!

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    So I’m new to having a kitten I’ve had lots of dogs but no experience with kittens or cats, my coworker found a litter of 6 abanded and is not a cat person and was overwhelmed but couldn’t leave them so I took in my Harley, he had said he thought she was around 6 weeks when I got her Oct 1st but she was very small so I took her to the vet Sunday after doing some research and she is Round 5 weeks. When I brought her home she immediately used the litter box, and has had no issues since, he was feedind them milk(people milk) and regular wet cat food. I researched people milk is no good and got her some kmr and kitten dry food and wet food, she eats a mix of the two following with some kmr milk twice a day just cause she loves the milk and runs to the kitchen anytime anyone goes in the direction. The only issue I’m having is with her biting and scratching. I got her nails clipped at the vet so the scratching has stopped but she still bites not aggressively but trying to play as soon. As she wakes up or if I’m still sleeping comes up and bites on my nose or face I’m assuming to try and wake me to play. I’ve gotten her plenty of toys, mice, balls, a wand with a feather and ball so my hand isn’t close while playing and she still seems to not quite it. Is this normal in young kittens? I’ve read since she was separated from her litter mates so early that she never learned boundaries. She does come and lick my face and hands but you never know if it’ll be a bite or lick lol I’ve tried some methods that I’ve researched such as distraction with toys or ignoring and the toys ease it but the ignoring her she just jumps right back on me after I resume whatever I was doing. She also pounces around ALOT which I’ve assumed as normal and is a very noisey kitten. She wants a bite of anything you eat I haven’t given her any human good except the one peice of an ice cream sandwich I set down for a moment and she some how made her way to. Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated! Also,i live in a townhouse and she just got brave enough to step off the front ledge into the litter garden we have in the front it is a small space I’m sure she thinks its a jungle but I just want to assure myself it is safe to have her out there with my supervision at such a young age. She tends to try and eat grass and Chase ants for the most part (I stop the grass eating as soon as possible)
    From me and Harley ?

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