3 month old kitten has tapeworms and wont poop

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    I adopted a 3 month old kitten with a bad tapeworm infection about a couple weeks ago and took it to the vet to be dewormed. He gave him medicine and he said everything would be fine. But for the past 2 days he has stopped going to the bathroom entirely (strains to defecate but nothing comes out), note that he is also on medicine to help his bowel movements. When I stimulate him; only a little comes out, he relaxes for a second and then goes back to the pooping position. Back when he pooped worms/segments would come out but now since he stopped i’m worried his infection will get worse. he’s also in pain again, has little appetite and doesnt want to walk. His belly is also growing. Please, he has been given medicine and shots the doc says he is stumped as to why he isnt going to the bathroom properly. Does anyone have any ideas?


    Ray, I’m concerned that your kitten had such a large worm infestation that he can’t pass anything due to a blockage of some kind. Make sure you are feeding him wet food (skip the dry for now) and plenty of water. Goat’s milk, or yogurt with live cultures would be good also, maybe even a few drops of olive oil to his wet food when you feed him. I’m surprised you saw tapeworm segments when he pooped, as I have only seen them on the cats’ fur before treatment (letting me know they have a tapeworm). Usually they die and are absorbed by the cats digestive system after treatment. Roundworms will pass through though and some will come out alive and die soon after. Roundworms and hookworms can kill a kitten, by making it anemic, causing gastrointestinal blockages and severe malnutrition.
    If the doctor is stumped, then find another vet as time is ticking away here and he is obviously trying to go. Maybe even an emergency vet. At least, call the old vet and ask if he thinks he could have an obstruction due to a very large worm burden. Keep us posted on his progress!!


    Hi Rey,

    I agree with KZ. This is an odd case of worms. In any case, he does need to poop now. As long as he is not pooping there is no way of telling if the medicine is working. Please find another vet. or an emergency clinic.

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