Alley Cat and Flea

Please put your paws in the air and wave hello to our Star Kit pair, Alley Cat and Flea. They are 7 years old from Billings, Montana.

Alley Cat and Flea

Alley Cat (Russian Blue) was our first pet. Flea (Orange Tabby) our third. When Flea was first rescued she fell deathly ill which caused one of her lungs to collapse. She was close to being put down. Through the entire ordeal, Alley refused to leave her side. I credit Flea’s recovery to Alley’s unwavering care and devotion. 7 years later they are still the best of friends and quite inseparable. We now have 4 cats and 2 small dogs. Apart from Alley, they have all suffered as do most rescues. Alley has mothered each and every one through their illnesses. She is such a special kitty. Love you Alley.

Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.