
Please join me to greet our Star Kit for today, Simba. He is 8 weeks old from Glasgow, Scotland.


This is Simba, my gorgeous 8 week old fur baby who I absolutely adore! He was born on a farm in Scotland with his mother, father, 3 sisters and 1 brother. He was the smallest of them all and I fell in love instantly.


Although at the start Simba would cry for his mother now he cries when he doesn’t get his belly rub to sleep at night!!! Although I would have loved for Simba to spend more time with his mother, he’s grown a huge love for me and biting my shoes haha!


Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.